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DLSC Presents to City Council

On Tuesday, October 30, Danville Life Saving Crew (DLSC) hosted Danville City Council members for a presentation showcasing the Crew's impact on the community.

Packets of information were passed out and DLSC Life Member Brian Wilson presented to Council. Wilson explained the specialty services that the Crew offers, including, onsite medical standbys, vehicle extrication and swift water rescue.

"The City is very well acquainted with our dive and swift water teams," Wilson said, in reference to the recent flooding that took place during Hurricane Florence and Tropical Storm Michael.

During the 2017-2018 fiscal year, DLSC answered 8,095 medical calls. Since then, DLSC has become the first EMS agency dispatched to all 9-1-1 calls in the city. This fiscal year, DLSC expects their EMS calls to exceed 10,000 due to the changes in EMS dispatch.

Wilson also discussed the budget increases that have occurred due to increased call coverage. During the 2013-2014 fiscal year, DLSC's budget was $772,850. This year's budget has increased to $2.1 million.

After the presentation, City Council members were taken on a tour of the Danville Area Training Center. This facility hosts training courses for Danville Life Saving Crew, Danville Fire Department, Sovah Health and citizens. While on the tour, guests visited the clinical rooms where Advanced EMT students were practicing their skills on mannequins. Lastly, City Council members toured the bay area where the Special Operations vehicles and equipment are held.

"We truly appreciate the City Council for meeting with us," Robbie Woodall, DLSC's chief, said. "We look forward to creating a stronger bond with better communication."

For 73 years, Danville Life Saving Crew has provided many services to the community for little to no reimbursement from citizens. DLSC hopes to work with Danville City Council to grow a stronger partnership with additional funding to help offset operational costs.

Mayor Alonzo Jones and Council members James Buckner, Larry Campbell, Gary Miller, Sherman Saunders, Fred Shanks, Adam Tomer and Madison Whittle took part in this work session.

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