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Health & Safety Tips

Personal information to have on hand if you need EMS


  • Name, social security number, birth date

  • Medical history

  • A list of current medications


While waiting for an ambulance


  • Listen to any directions given by dispatch

  • Clear a pathway to the patient

  • Turn on outdoor lights if an emergency occurs at nighttime

  • Have a list of personal information and medications available


Allergic Reactions


  • For seasonal allergies, an over-the-counter allergy medicine usually soothes symptoms

  • If breathing becomes difficult and your throat begins to swell shut, call 9-1-1 immediately

  • Have an EpiPen on hand if you have severe allergic reactions


Know CPR


  • Take a course in CPR so that you can be prepared if a cardiac arrest occurs

  • Step 1: Check for a pulse and breathing - if there is no pulse or breaths are extremely slow gasps, call 9-1-1 and begin CPR immediately

  • Step 2: Remove shirt and begin chest compressions 

  • Step 3: Push hard and push fast - 100 continuous compressions per minute is advised

  • Sign up for a CPR class here to become certified


First Aid for Minor Burns


  • The American Burn Association states that approximately 486,000 patients receive medical treatments for burns each year. However, minor burns can be cared for at home.

  • Hold the minor burn under cool water or apply a cool, wet towel

  • After the burn is cooled, apply a lotion with aloe vera or moisturizer 

  • Bandage the burn with a loose sterile gauze 

  • For major burns, see a doctor or dial 9-1-1

  • Visit for more information regarding burns and their care.


Stop the Bleed


  • If someone is stabbed with a knife or sharp object, or receives a gunshot wound, dial 9-1-1 and act fast

  • To stop the bleed, fill the wound with clean gauze or cloth and wrap it securely

  • If bleeding is continuous or heavy, tie a tourniquet several inches above the wound - if you don't have a tourniquet, use a belt or wide strap of thick fabric to tie around the arms or legs of the victim

CPR hands-on training
DLSC ambuance
hands-on first aid training
heat exhaustion tips
beat the heat tips
winter weather preparedness tips
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