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DLSC Participates in #GivingTuesday

The Danville Life Saving Crew is participating in #GivingTuesday on Tuesday, November 28, 2017. This day was created to help bring communities and organizations together. You can donate your time, resources or monetary gifts.

How can you help the Crew?

  • You can use your resources to help the Crew

  • ​Tell your friends or family about the Crew and ask them to make a monetary donation

  • Do you know someone who is a trained EMT or interested in becoming one? Encourage them to become a member of DLSC

  • Has DLSC assisted you in the past? Send us a testimonial to share with members and put in our publications

  • Use your time to help the Crew grow

  • Be productive in your free time by saving lives and becoming an everyday hero

  • Members pull at least four 8-hour duties each month during their choice of first, second or third shift

  • Once you become a member, volunteer to participate in medical standbys at community events

  • DLSC accepts donations through cash, check and credit/debit cards

  • All donations are tax deductible

  • Cash and checks can be mailed or dropped off at the DLSC Business Office at 630 Randolph Street, Danville, VA 24541

  • Credit/Debit donations can be accepted at the Business Office or through PayPal

Please consider helping the Danville Life Saving Crew this holiday season. As a non-profit, the Crew relies on volunteers and monetary donations from the community. Thank you for supporting us over the last 72 years as we offer pre-hospital emergency services!

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